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Amity follows a Semester System which is in conformity with the very best of global practices and standards. This promotes greater interaction between faculty members and students and also permits more meaningful term paper and research assignments.
The scheme of examination & evaluation helps judge the progress made by students. At Amity, the students are assessed at regular intervals to ensure they attain continuous development. The evaluation process consists of Class Test, Viva, Quiz, Case Discussion / Presentation / Analysis, Home Assignment, Project, Seminar, Term Paper, and Attendance among others.
The level of students' academic performance as the aggregate of continuous evaluation and end term examination is reflected by Letter Grades on a Ten Point Scale which are associated with quantified hierarchy and have qualitative meaning. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) & Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) are calculated based on the students' performance in Semester(s) and overall respectively. Students are required to maintain minimum SGPA & CGPA to pass a semester/promote to the next semester and qualify for Degree.
Every AGBS student is required to achieve 100% attendance in all the Lectures, Tutorials, Practicals and Seminars arranged during the semester. However, a relaxation of up to a maximum of 25% is granted in case of contingencies. 100% attendance criteria ensure academic excellence, disciplinary approach and growth of the student.
The detailed course curriculum is reviewed at regular intervals as per industry requirements. For this, many points are considered such as feedback reports on placements, employability of students, latest developments, statutory compliances etc. The course syllabus is first examined and evaluated by an expert committee. The Board of Studies subsequently reviews it and send to the Academic Council for approval.
The unique Mentor-Mentee Concept at Amity ensures a constant interaction between members of the faculty and industry with students. The students are regularly counselled by these Mentors on their academic and personal concerns.
Amity Chennai Campus is a Ragging Free Campus. There are a number of anti-ragging measures in place to ensure strict compliance.